Manually registering MetaDefender Email Security in Exchange server

In case MetaDefender Email Security Transport Agents registrations are missing or failed to register at installation time this step can also be performed manually as described below.

  1. Open an Exchange Management Shell.

  2. Check which transport agents are registered by typing:

  3. If the following transport agent registrations are present, MetaDefender Email Security is already registered. Otherwise, proceed to next step to start registration.

    Identity Enabled Priority
    -------- ------- --------
    Metadefender Email Security Smtp Agent True [n]
    Metadefender Email Security Routing Agent True [n]
  4. Register the MetaDefender Email Security Smtp Agent by typing:

    1. Provide the path to the Metadefender.Email.Exchange.dll file (adjust the path as required):

      AssemblyPath: C:\Program Files\OPSWAT\Metadefender Email Security\mailagenthost\Metadefender.Email.Exchange.dll
    2. Provide the transport agent name:

      Name: Metadefender Email Security Smtp Agent
    3. Specify the transport agent factory as below:

      TransportAgentFactory: Metadefender.Email.Exchange.ReceiverAgentFactory
  5. If the transport agent registration is successful, the following information is displayed:

    Identity Enabled Priority
    -------- ------- --------
    Metadefender Email Security Smtp Agent False [n]
    WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
    WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
  6. Enable the newly created transport agent by typing:

    1. Specify the transport agent identity as below:

      Identity: Metadefender Email Security Smtp Agent
  7. Continue to register the MetaDefender Email Security Routing Agent by typing:

    1. Provide the path to the Metadefender.Email.Exchange.dll file (adjust the path as required):

      AssemblyPath: C:\Program Files\OPSWAT\Metadefender Email Security\mailagenthost\Metadefender.Email.Exchange.dll
    2. Provide the transport agent name:

      Name: Metadefender Email Security Routing Agent
    3. Specify the transport agent factory as below:

      TransportAgentFactory: Metadefender.Email.Exchange.RoutingAgentFactory
  8. If the transport agent registration is successful, the following information is displayed:

    Identity Enabled Priority
    -------- ------- --------
    Metadefender Email Security Routing Agent False n
    WARNING: Please exit Windows PowerShell to complete the installation.
    WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take effect : MSExchangeTransport
  9. Enable the transport agent by typing:

    1. Specify the transport agent identity as below:

      Identity: Metadefender Email Security Routing Agent
  10. Complete the transport agent installation by restarting the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.

    1. Stop the service by typing:

      net stop MSExchangeTransport
    2. Re-start the service by typing:

      net start MSExchangeTransport

Transport agent registration is now complete.

This article pertains to MetaDefender Email Security v4.0.0 or above
This article was last updated on 2019-10-09