1.3 Creating MetaDefender Core server profile

After installation and successful license activation MetaDefender Email Gateway Security user interface is ready to be used with full functionality.

For emails to be scanned MetaDefender Email Gateway Security needs, however, to be connected to MetaDefender Core.

Establishing this connection requires two steps:

  1. Creating a MetaDefender Core type server profile

  2. Assigning this server profile to Email Gateway Security (see 1.5 Basic security rules)

Creating Core server profile

Go to Inventory > Server profiles and click ADD NEW PROFILE. In the SERVER PROFILE TYPE drop-down list select MetaDefender Core and specify the details of your MetaDefender Core instance(s).

Properties not listed in the table below may be left on their default values or blank, or filled according to the organizational policies.


Server profile type

Profile name

Server specifications (URI)


MetaDefender Core

Unique name

Core servers URI


MetaDefender Core


URI example

Transport level encryption




For further details about server profiles see 3.7 Server profiles.