3.3. Update settings

Central Management updates in general

Central Management can keep the anti-virus engines, and other related technologies up-to-date on managed instances. All the engines and technologies managed by Central Management are listed under Inventory > Engines. It is basically two steps how Central Management keeps managed instances updated:

  1. Central Management keeps its engine and technology repository up-to-date,

  2. Distribute packages from Central Management repo to managed instances.

To configure how Central Management should keep its own engine and technology repository up-to-date, go to Settings > Update.

Three different sources are available for Central Management repository updates:


  • FOLDER, or


Automatic update distribution

Central Management will automatically distribute updated engine and technology packages to managed instances.

Ad-hoc updates

Irrelevant to the update source selected above, update packages can always be uploaded and installed clicking the Inventory > Engines / UPLOAD PACKAGE button:



  1. Packages: ZIP (.zip) files containing the package, while

  2. Descriptor files: YAML (.yml) files containing metadata.

  3. Offline Downloader Utility: MetaDefender Update Downloader.


Updates from the internet


The INTERNET method will automatically download the updates from the OPSWAT update server. The following options are available:

  1. Automatic database updates: The frequency of fetching updates from the update server.

    1. OFF: No scheduled update will be performed.

      Trigger updates from the internet

      Updates can still be triggered manually clicking the Inventory > Engines / UPDATE ALL button.

  2. Update pause: To protect the network from load caused by the updates, distribution of the updates to the instances will be paused during the configured time intervals.

Updates from a folder


Selecting the FOLDER method will cause the product to search for updates in a specific folder.

Watching the update directory

Central Management continuously watches the configured folder for modification. Whenever the contents of the directory are modified, it will try to pick up the new files as updates.

The following options are available:

  1. Pick up updates from: The directory where Central Management will look for updates.

    1. DELETE FILES AFTER IMPORT: If selected, then update files are deleted from the folder set in Pick up updates from after successful processing.

      Not applied updates may be removed

      Even if an update could not be applied, it will be removed because it was processed without an issue.

  2. Update pause: To protect the network from load caused by the updates, distribution of the updates to the instances will be paused during the configured time intervals.

Manual update


Selecting the MANUAL option will turn off any automatic update mechanism.

No options for MANUAL method

There are no specific options for the MANUAL option, the page is intentionally left blank.

Trigger updates from the internet

Updates can still be triggered manually clicking the Inventory > Engines / UPDATE ALL button. In this case the updates will be downloaded from the OPSWAT update server.