10. Notifications

Global Settings

By going to Notifications → Global Settings administrators can configure when email notifications are sent by MetaDefender Vault.

If the administrator has not yet configured a valid SMTP server, these settings will not be available because notifications cannot be sent.



  • Successful upload: an email notification is sent to the owner when a file is successful uploaded

  • Failed upload: an email notification is sent to administrators when an uploaded file fails processing


  • receive a download notification when the file is downloaded by someone

    • select First Download if you only wish to receive a notification the first time a user downloads the file

    • select Every Download If you wish to receive a notification every time a user downloads the file


  • File / Folder shared: an email notification is sent when a file / folder was shared with you

  • File / Folder unshared: an email notification is sent when a file / folder was unshared with you


  • File approved: an email notification is sent to the owner when file was approved by a supervisor

  • File rejected: an email notification is sent to the owner when file was rejected by a supervisor

  • File pending approval: an email notification is sent to all supervisors when a file is pending approval

If the are no supervisors assigned, these notifications will be sent to global supervisors. The supervisor approval process must be enabled.

File Processing

  • File blocked: an email notification is sent when a file is blocked by MetaDefender Core

  • File unlocked: an email notification is sent when a file is unlocked and available for download


The SMTP configuration is required to enable notifications. You must be logged in as an administrator to access this page, which is located at NotificationsSMTP in the sidebar menu.


In order to successfully configure SMTP settings the user that enables SMTP must have a valid email address that can be used by the specified SMTP server to send a test email specifying that the SMTP is correctly configured in MetaDefender Vault.


Standard Settings

The host field should contain the IP or DNS where your SMTP server is located. If your SMTP server requires a different port than 25, you can change the default value for the port as well.

Advanced Settings

Select Enable SSL to specify whether SSL is used to access the configured SMTP host. Select Ignore Certificate if you wish any SSL certificate warnings to be ignored.

If the SMTP host requires authentication you must enter your credentials.

(Note: the DOMAIN field can be left empty if it's not required)


Email Templates

MetaDefender Vault includes a number of email templates that are used for notifications. The following email templates are available:


Available Templates



Generic Admin Notification

Template for different alerts sent to the administrators like an unexpected error or license related notifications

Failed Upload

There has been a failure to upload or process a specific file


File Pending Approval

A file is waiting for supervisor approval

End User

Upload Successful

A file has been uploaded by you successfully

Upload Via Kiosk Successful

One or more files have been uploaded via Kiosk

Successful Download

A file shared by you has been downloaded by another user

Successful Download Anonymous

A file shared by you using No Authentication has been downloaded anonymously

File Blocked

A file shared by you has been blocked by MetaDefender Core


Company/user signature that can be inserted into other templates

Files Shared

One or more files have been shared with you and are available for download

File Unshared

A file is not shared with you anymore

File Unlock Successful

A file shared by you has been unlocked

File Approved

A file you shared/uploaded has been approved by a supervisor

File Rejected

A file you shared/uploaded has been rejected by a supervisor





Template Type

The type of the template you wish to change

Files Shared

From address

An email address to use for the 'From address' field in the email


Override from address

If checked, the actual user's email address will be used instead

Check this option if you wish to appear as john@company.com is sending an email to Mark when John has shared a file with Mark.
Do not check this option if you wish to appear as administrator@company.com is sending an email to Mark when John has shared a file with Mark.


The name to use for the 'From' field in the email


Override from

If checked, the actual name of the user will be used instead

Check this option if you wish to appear as John is sending an email to Mark when John has shared a file with Mark.
Do not check this option if you wish to appear as Administrator is sending an email to Mark when John has shared a file with Mark.


The subject of the email notification

Files have been shared with you

If you wish to view or change these notifications, you can do so by selecting an email template from the list. Make your desired changes and click Save. To revert back to the default template, click on Reset to default.

You will be able to edit the text and email format. The following options are available: bold, italic, underlined, font, font size, font color, fill, align left, align middle, align right, justify, bullets, numbered lists, decrease indent, increase indent, format style, insert link, and insert image.

Resetting email templates to default

For each email template, there is an option to reset them to default version. When you are clicking 'Reset template to default' button you will lose your changes and the template will be reverted to the initial version of the template.


Getting the latest version for templates after upgrading MetaDefender Vault

From one version of MetaDefender Vault to another the default templates are subject to change. In order to get the latest templates after performing a product upgrade, you should use 'Reset template to default' button for each template.

Note: by resetting the template to default you will lose any custom changes for that template.

Merge fields

A merge field is a placeholder that will be dynamically resolved before sending the specific notification. For example, inserting [%]DateAndTime[%] merge field in your template will result in the field being replaced with the actual date and time before sending the notification via email.


Some of the merge fields are not available for every template. Please use only fields that can be retrieved for the specific template.

The following merge fields can be used (depending on the email template):

Field name

Field Description

Available in the following templates


Name of the user who sent the transfer

Files Shared


Sender name.

Failed Upload
Successful Download
Successful Download Anonymous
File Blocked
Files Shared
File Unlock Successful
File Approved
File Rejected


Date and Time when the transfer was sent

Generic Admin Notification
Failed Upload
Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful
Successful Download
Successful Download Anonymous
Files Shared
File Unshared
File Unlock Successful
File Pending Approval
File Approved
File Rejected


List of the files in the transfer

Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful
Files Shared


List of optional files in the transfer

Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful
Files Shared


File name

Failed Upload
File Pending Approval
Successful Download
Successful Download Anonymous
File Blocked
File Unshared
File Unlock Successful
File Approved
File Rejected


Person who downloaded the file

Successful Download


Contains the company/user signature as configured in the Signature template under Notifications → Email Templates

All templates support it


The authentication mode the transfer was sent with (i.e. Standard Authentication or Advanced authentication)

Failed Upload
Files Shared


Date on which the file transfer will expire

Files Shared
Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful


The result of the file scan

File Blocked


Flag indicating that the blocked file was deleted

File Blocked


The topic of the notification

Generic Admin Notification


The notification message

Generic Admin Notification


Vault URL path

Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful
Files Shared


Reason for which a file was blocked

File Blocked


The state of the file

Failed Upload


The name of the administrator that approved or rejected the file

File Approved
File Rejected


Estimated time when a file is unlocked

Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful
Files Shared


The list of users that the file was shared with

Upload Successful
Upload Via Kiosk Successful


The user that unshared a file

File Unshared


The optional message sent at invitation

Files Shared


IP from the machine where the download occurs

Successful Download
Successful Download Anonymous


The name of the user who uploaded the file that needs supervisor approval

File Pending Approval

Licensing notification

Eventually, email for license information will be sent in case of:

  • Activation successfully

  • License is about to expire (16-11-6-1 day before the expired day)

  • License has been expired (D0, D-5)