Troubleshooting: REST service cannot be started on default port 8000


While trying to start MetaDefender Vault REST Service (net start vaultREST) an error appears saying that service could not be started.

Something similar to this can be seen in Event Viewer:



This can happen if the default port (8000) which MetaDefender Vault REST service is listening is already in use by some other application or if you have configured MetaDefender Vault to use HTTPS and there is another application using the default port on HTTP.

Follow these steps to move MetaDefender Vault to another port.

  1. Open the file 'C:\Program Files\OPSWAT\MetaDefender Vault\Services>' in the MetaDefender Vault installation folder and specify 'https://{computer_name}:8999/vault_rest' as 'RestHostAddress' value. Save and close the file.
    Note: Here 8999 is the port I want to use instead of default 8000
    Note2: Here is using https → write http if you do not intend to use https
    Note3: If you intend to use https, follow Step 17 in Enable HTTPS page but run the command with port number 8999 instead of 8000 to enable https.

  2. Restart the 'MetaDefender Vault REST' service. (net stop vaultRest & net start vaultRest )

  3. Open the file "C:\Program Files\OPSWAT\MetaDefender Vault\WebClient\config.json" and modify restPort and protocol to be the same used at step 1. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the 'MetaDefender Vault Helper' service. (net stop vaultHelper & net start vaultHelper )

  5. Refresh the page (ctrl + f5) if it was already opened to clear cookies.

  6. Navigate to login page and proceed as usual.