Multiple Metadefender Core Instances Configuration


Single Mail Agent instance connecting to more than one Metadefender Core. Once it is configured, email will be processed depending on the number of ongoing jobs on each Metadefender Core instance.


  1. Open Metadefender.Email.Engine.Service.exe.config file.

  2. Modify MetascanUrl setting

    1. Append the secondary MD instance IP, using semicolon (i.e. ;) - as a separator.

  3. Save and Close the file

  4. Restart the Metadefender Mail Agent service to make change effective

MetascanUrl Configuration

<setting name="MetascanUrl" serializeAs="String">

Unavailable Metadefender Core

If a Metadefender Core server becomes unavailable, process requests will be skipped until it becomes available again. Once it becomes unavailable, the Mail Agent will try to attempt again periodically.