Mail Agent Alerts

Mail Agent has a built-in monitoring system that is used to alert the administrator in certain circumstances. Below is a list of alerts.

Metadefender Core down/not responding alert

When Metadefender Core cannot be contacted (either on Mail Agent service startup or each time a scan is preformed) the 'ErrorMetascanDownTemplate' will be sent.

This alert can potentially be sent more than once an hour. During a continuous failure, the notification will be sent maximum once an hour, but if MD Core starts to respond again, this span is reset and a notification will be sent as soon as a connection failure occurs again.

Generic Agent: Email relay server down alert

A connectivity check is done by connecting to the remote (relay) server. When the SMTP service cannot be contacted the 'ErrorEmailRelayServerDownTemplate' will be sent.

This alert can potentially be sent more than once an hour. During a continuous failure, the notification will be sent maximum once an hour, but if the email relay server starts to respond again, this span is reset and a notification will be sent as soon as a connection failure occurs again.

Generic Agent: Inbound queue alert

The Generic Mail Agent In folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\OPSWAT\Metadefender Core <engine count>\Metadefender Mail Agent\GenericAgent\In) is monitored. When the number of .envelope files exceed the threshold set in Metadefender.Email.Engine.Generic.Agent.dll.config > EmailRelayInQueueThreshold (default 100) the 'ErrorInboundQueueThresholdTemplate' will be sent.

Generic Agent: Outbound queue alert

The Generic Mail Agent Out folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\OPSWAT\Metadefender Core <engine count>\Metadefender Mail Agent\GenericAgent\Out) is monitored. When the number of .envelope files exceed the threshold set in Metadefender.Email.Engine.Generic.Agent.dll.config > EmailRelayOutQueueThreshold (default 100) the 'ErrorOutboundQueueThresholdTemplate' will be sent.

Generic Agent: Emails rejected by email relay server alert

The Generic Mail Agent Out folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\OPSWAT\Metadefender Core <engine count>\Metadefender Mail Agent\GenericAgent\Out) is monitored for .bad files. These are files that have been rejected one or more times by the relay server, but not yet moved to permanent failed. When the number of .bad files exceed the threshold set in Metadefender.Email.Engine.Generic.Agent.dll.config > EmailRelayOutQueueBadThreshold (default 10) the 'ErrorOutboundQueueBadThresholdTemplate' will be sent.

Generic Agent: Emails in permanent failure alert

The Generic Mail Agent Permanent Failure folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\OPSWAT\Metadefender Core <engine count>\Metadefender Mail Agent\GenericAgent\Permanent Failure) is monitored for .envelope files. These are files that have been rejected by the email relay server repeatedly and cannot be delivered. When the number of .envelope files exceed the threshold set in Metadefender.Email.Engine.Generic.Agent.dll.config > EmailRelayOutPermanentFailureThreshold(default 1) the 'ErrorOutboundQueuePermanentFailureThresholdTemplate' will be sent.