Installing Metadefender Core (4.19.x) using command line

For command line fashion install on both Linux and Windows, it is mandatory to use MetaDefender Core ignition file to add PostgreSQL server information BEFORE installing MetaDefender Core 4.19.0 or newer.

Making sure to create the ignition file if not existed before you go ahead to install MetaDefender Core via command line.

  • Windows: C:\OPSWAT\ometascan.conf

  • Linux: /etc/opswat/ometascan.conf

MetaDefender Core supports two modes to setup PostgreSQL server:

  • Create new local PostgreSQL server: MetaDefender Core will install a new PostgreSQL server locally in the same box with the product.

A sample iginition file for PostgreSQL server information (Only non-Unicode characters supported for "user" and "password"):

  • Use your existing PostgreSQL server (PostgreSQL 12.3 or newer is recommended): MetaDefender Core will connect to setup its database on a pre-installed PostgreSQL server running remotely. Making sure to follow steps at Open Connection On PostgreSQL Server first so that your remote existing PostgreSQL server to accept upcoming connection from MetaDefender Core.

A sample iginition file for PostgreSQL server information:


images/s/en_GB/7201/e9483755159fbecaf5aef9b1eebd094ee4430d2f/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.png After installing MetaDefender Core successfully, you may want to remove all credentials info created for [dbsever] section in ignition file for security reason.

If the MetaDefender Core package dependencies are not installed on your system you may need to have a working Internet connection or you may have to provide the Installation media during the installation. Consult your Operating System documentation on how to use Installation media as a package repository.

Debian package (.deb)

sudo dpkg -i <filename> || sudo apt-get install -f

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS package (.rpm)

sudo yum install <filename>

For systems which enabled GPD check flag:

sudo yum install --nogpdcheck <filename>

Windows package (.msi)

On Windows systems it is possible to install the product by running the corresponding .msi file.

From command line interface it is also possible to install the product by executing

msiexec /i <msi file name> <option key>=<option value>

where the possible keys and their default values are the following:


Default Value



\Program Files\OPSWAT\MetaDefender Core

Customize installation folder for product

Example: INSTALLFOLDER="D:\Products"



REST interface binding IPv4 or IPv6 address ( '*' means that service listens on all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces)



REST interface binding port



Whether to enable external processing nodes or not.

To enable external processing nodes, set EXTERNALNODE=1.

ADDRESS and PORT values below are admitted only if EXTERNALNODE=1 is set.



Address of the computer to accept external scan node connections

ADDRESS value is only admitted if EXTERNALNODE=1 is set.

If EXTERNALNODE=1 is set but ADDRESS is not, then ADDRESS defaults to * (all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces)



Designated port number to accept external scan node connections

PORT value is only admitted if EXTERNALNODE=1 is set.

If EXTERNALNODE=1 is set but PORT is not, then PORT defaults to 8007.



Enable reporting of engine issue count. (possible values: "true" or "false").

Reporting of engine issue count

If reporting of engine issue count is enabled, MetaDefender Core v4 server will send only the number of initialization errors and number of unexpected stops for the specific db/engine version. This information is sent over a HTTPS channel when the product downloads the latest package descriptors. This information is used for early detection of any specific 3rd party engine quality issues.

For details on using msiexec please consult Windows installer documentation.