8. Other Configuration with MetaDefender Vault

SMTP configuration and Email Template

There are additional settings that can be configured for MetaDefender Vault including:

  • SMTP For Notifications
    The SMTP configuration is required to enable notifications. You must be logged in as an administrator to access this page, which is located at NotificationsSMTP in the sidebar menu.


    In order to successfully configure SMTP settings the user that enables SMTP must have a valid email address that can be used by the specified SMTP server to send a test email specifying that the SMTP is correctly configured in MetaDefender Vault.

  • Email Templates
    MetaDefender Vault includes a number of email templates that are used for notifications. The following email templates are available:


    Available Templates



    Generic Admin Notification

    Template for generic alert to administrator. An unexpected error occurred and all the administrators get notified

    Failed Upload

    There has been a failure to upload or process a specific file.


    File Pending Approval

    A file is waiting for supervisor approval

    End User

    Upload Successful

    A file has been uploaded by you successfully.

    Upload Via Kiosk Successful

    One or more files have been uploaded via Kiosk

    Successful Download

    A file shared by you has been downloaded by another user

    Successful Download Anonymous

    A file shared by you using No Authentication has been downloaded anonymously

    File Blocked

    A file shared by you has been blocked by Metadefender Core


    Company/user signature that can be inserted into other templates.

    Files Shared

    One or more files have been shared with you and are available for download

    File Unshared

    A file is not shared with you anymore

    File Unlock Successful

    A file shared by you has been unlocked

    File Approved

    A file you shared/uploaded has been approved by a supervisor

    File Rejected

    A file you shared/uploaded has been rejected by a supervisor

Enable HTTPS

  1. Prepare self-signed or 3rd party certificate.

  2. Use ChangeProtocol tool in order to switch to HTTPS protocol.