How to create support package

A support package contains essential information regarding the operating system and OPSWAT software found on the machine.


To create a package you must start the script found under /usr/bin/

As the script processes the necessary information, the script generates the support package output.

The package files is a tar.gz archive with the following name:


Where the timestamp is the date when the package was generated.



The generated package will be placed in the same location as the script that was called.


To create a package you must start the script found under the installation directory of the product, default this is C:\Program Files\Metadefender Update Downloader\ometadownloader-collect-support-data.bat.

As the script processes the necessary information, the script generates the support package output.

The package files is a zip archive with the following name:


Where the timestamp is the date when the package was generated.


The generated package will be placed in the same location as the script that was called.

Content of the created package

The support package contains the following elements:

  • configuration : the configuration files of OPSWAT software found on machine

  • log : the log files of OPSWAT software found on machine

  • system information : system information stored in file named

  • hardware information: hardware information stored in file named

  • network information: network information stored in file named

  • directory information: OPSWAT software directory information stored in file named

  • copy of config database : config database WITHOUT user data

You can check the content of the generated package to make sure it does not contain any confidential information.